Friday, September 11, 2015

The Latest News on Me

I just got this email from a delightful friend who lives in the Midwest of the USA.
"I haven't heard from you in a long time.
How is everything over there?
"Hugs Hugs

My reply should update everyone.

"How lovely that you want to hear from me!  I know I want to hear from you.
 "I don’t even remember when we last exchanged emails.  Do you?  I could launch into a narrative, but it would be nice if I knew where to start.  I am pretty sure you didn’t know I had to have spine surgery, but I am healing now and expect to be finer than I was before it in about a month.  ANGEL EYES, my novel about the Mexican War has been out for five months.. I have not done the marketing I should, so I need to do that this fall if I expect to sell any books.
"I was working on a sequel to WHERE MY LOVE LIES DREAMING but had to stop since my doctor only wants me to sit at the computer for a half hour at a time and then get up and change position.. I am using my new Amazon Echo to time me.  So I will very happily get back to that in about a month as well.
"I had a real low point about two weeks ago where I went to my husband to tell him I was feeling suicidal, but I know that was my smart way of getting myself back on track to the usually cheerful person I am. I think you and I are similar in that way.  I am just overwhelmed with all the challenges in my life due to disabilities but most of the time I don’t even think about them or find ways around them.  I am either stupid, crazy or really really smart.

"So how is your stupid, crazy or really really smart  life treating you?  What is new?  Did I not mention anything you might have wanted to know about?